Advice for Parents on Helping to Look After their Children's Teeth
Regular trips to the dentist are essential for children as they have weaker enamel than adults, meaning decay can spread quickly. We like to see our child patients at least three times a year. Dental x-rays are also important to make sure that teeth are progressing and moving properly. Your child should get into the habit of brushing his or her teeth twice a day. You can brush your child’s teeth when they are young, but it is a good idea to teach them to do it themselves around the age of seven. It is important that there is fluoride in your child’s toothpaste, but not too much – be sure to check with the dentist about how much fluoride you are using. We provide advice to parents on how to look after their children’s teeth – from guidance on brushing and the application of fluoride to regular dental visits and limiting the frequency of sugar intake in your child’s diet.